Web GUI Frameworks Comparison

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Criteria for comparing GUI frameworks

please see GUI_Frameworks_Comparison#Criteria_for_comparing_GUI_frameworks

ClickOnce Deployment

MSDN ClickOnce Deployment

Silverlight, Moonlight

Google, Yahoo

I am not sure how much those libraries can be integrated with .Net; some are Java orientated


see also: HowTo: Session based application with ASP.Net

projects to look at:

  • http://sourceforge.net/projects/magicajax A framework that provides AJAX technologies for web pages created with ASP.NET. It allows developers to easily integrate AJAX support into their pages without replacing the ASP.NET controls and/or writing javascript code.
  • http://anthem-dot-net.sourceforge.net/ The Anthem project adds AJAX-like features to ASP.NET. What sets Anthem apart from other frameworks is that it integrates itself into the server-side control model made popular by ASP.NET. This includes full support for view state, server-side events, and everything else the typical ASP.NET developer has grown accustomed to.
  • http://www.springframework.net/ Led and sustained by SpringSource, Spring.NET is an open source application framework that makes building enterprise .NET applications easier. Providing components based on proven design patterns that can be integrated into all tiers of your application architecture, Spring helps increase development productivity and improve application quality and performance.

Web Services with SOAP

  • goal: replace .Net remoting with web services/SOAP so that there are more opportunities to use the OpenPetra Server.
  • see implementation in csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/app/WebService
    • current implementation:
      • does not support sqlite
      • only works with mono xsp on Windows
      • not yet: logout, shutdown server
      • bug: cannot relogin: complains about nested transactions
      • server starts a db connection, it is reused for each request
      • user information can be stored in cookies and/or HttpRuntime.Cache
  • question: how much stateful operations on the server do we need?