Quick Setup of Development environment
Update February 2018
We now only have a development environment on CentOS7.
See instructions at https://github.com/SolidCharity/OpenPetraScripts/blob/master/Readme.md
The following information needs to be updated...
Difference to Full Setup of Development environment
The full Setup of Development environment describes how to download the code from Launchpad, and how to setup an environment for someone that will get seriously involved in the development of OpenPetra.
This guide will show instead, how someone who wants to have a quick look at the project, or wants to fix that one little annoying bug, can get a basic environment with the latest code, and in a very short time.
Quick Setup:
- uses a nightly development build
- this build includes a compiled version of OpenPetra, and the project files
- also comes with an sqlite database with demo data
Full Setup:
- requires to download the source code,
- and then generate the whole solution,
- then generate a database, and so on
Youtube Tutorial (Screencast)
- see http://www.pokorra.de/2013/10/easy-start-for-openpetra-developers/ for a 6 minute screencast on how to get started the quick way!
Install required software
for Windows
You will need these software packages:
- Microsoft .Net 4.0/4.5 Runtime, and Windows SDK (recommended) (see Setup_of_Development_Environment_for_Windows#Microsoft_.NET_3.5)
- SharpDevelop 4.x, or Visual Studio (Express) 2010 or higher
- NAnt: download and install NAnt-Setup-0.92.exe
for Linux
You will need these software packages:
- Mono (at least version 4.0)
- NAnt
- MonoDevelop, or command line
At the moment, Fedora is the best supported Linux platform for OpenPetra development, since we got involved keeping the mono and nant packages uptodate in that distribution.
download openpetra source and binary package
- download the latest developers build from Github nightly development releases
- unzip
- If you are using SharpDevelop, open the file \openpetra\delivery\projects\sharpdevelop4\OpenPetra.Server.sln;
- if you prefer Visual Studio, open the file \openpetra\delivery\projects\vs2010\OpenPetra.Server.sln
- for MonoDevelop, the file is called \openpetra\delivery\projects\monodevelop2\OpenPetra.Server.sln
- On Windows, you can start the Developers Assistant which is located in the root of the unzipped openpetra directory.
- this helps you to start OpenPetra server and client, and to do a full build, etc
- Alternatively, you can use nant from the command line