Translation documentation for Developers

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Documentation for Translators

There is a separate page with Documentation for Translators.

The translation process

There are actually 3 different ways to provide some translation.

1.) Using the launchpad-platform. To be able to make changes on the translation a registration is needed. If you are not sure with a translation please check "Someone should review this translation".

2.) Using poedit: The following steps are needed.

- Download poedit. The Version 1.4.6 is available here

- Download the .po-file (not .mo!!) . For Spanish it is available here (after a registration at launchpad)

- Edit the .po-file offline

- Upload it again here (for Spanish)

Poedit allows working faster than the first alternative. In order to avoid that work is done double by several translators please contact the translation team before starting:

3.) Converting the po-file to csv and open it fe. with Microsoft Excel

This might be the easiest way to provide the items for translators which are not familiar with 1.) or 2.)

Please follow these steps:

- Download an actual version of toolkit here. The file should be named translate-toolkit-…-setup.exe.

- Install toolkit

- Open a windows command line (Win+R) and adapt your path: for example with PATH=%PATH%;E:\Program Files\Translate Toolkit

- Download the actual .po-file (not .mo!!) . It is available here (for Spanish). You need to registrate first at launchpad.

- Move to the folder where the file is safed on the windows command line

- Execute po2csv. For example po2csv template1_template1-es.po template1_template1-es.csv --progress=verbose --errorlevel=message

- eventually: save the csv as xls

- provide the csv or xls-file to your translators

- when you get it back you need to save the file as csv (using UTF-8); this is especially necessary for ú, é etc used in Spanish (fe.)

- Execute csv2po. For example csv2po template1_template1-es.csv template1_template1-es_rückkonvertiert.po --progress=verbose --errorlevel=message

- Upload the po-file here (for Spanish)

- Then launchpad checks the file and adds it to the launchpad-platform. This can take 1 or 2 days.

In order to avoid that work is done double by several translators please contact the translation team before starting:

Synchronising Launchpad with version in bazaar

The synchronisation process needs to be done by someone of the Core development team. The goal is to get the latest translations into the official packaged version, and to update the template on Launchpad with new strings to translate.

First download the latest translations, in this case for german, in .po format:

You will get an email once the download is ready.

Then generate a new template file:

  1. Delete the file i18n/template.po, if it exists
  2. make sure that your has <property name="Translation.TargetLanguage" value="template"/>
  3. nant translation will create the file U:\openpetraorg\i18n\template.pot
  4. Upload the new template.pot file to Launchpad, using
  5. a few hours later, the new template will be available (if it needs a manual review, it might take a day)

All .po files in the i18n directory will be added to the installer automatically. OpenPetra will use the language settings on the workstation for determining which language file should be used.

reviewing the launchpad template

Please have a look at Reviewing the launchpad template

Testing a translation

We provide a Nightly Build of OpenPetra. This provides the changes on launchpad that has been made on the day before. You can get the Nightly Build here. Please download the exe-file OpenPetraSetup-x.x.xx.xxxx.exe and install it on your computer to see your new translations.