Notes about Bazaar

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General instructions


  • We used to have our own Bazaar server. The instructions are here: Administration of own bazaar server
  • Today, we are using Launchpad, which allows everbody to create his own branch without involvement of any administrator

Frequently asked questions

bzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock (remote lock)

This can happen when cancelling during a commit, and probably in other situations too. You will get the error the next time your are attempting to commit.

Solution: open the command line console (eg. cmd.exe), and change into the directory of your branch, and run:

bzr break-lock

bzr: ERROR: paramiko.SSHException: lost ssh-agent

If you get such an error on Windows 7 64-bit then try to run pageant not as Administrator but as normal user.

Could not open a connection to your authentication agent

If you get such an error then please have a look here or here

bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(...): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()

On getting such an error you've probably been trying to use something like lp:~username instead of bzr+ssh://

Solution1: Make sure you have pageant running (not as admin) and a key loaded.

Solution2: Execute "bzr launchpad-login <username>" on a command line.

Solution3: Perhaps you reinstalled your system. Then you need to create a new public/private-keypair. Possibly you need to execute bzr checkout ... afterwards to apply the new key.