Mini-guide for Bug reporting

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Before you record something you think is not working, or does not seem what you think it ought to do, or if the application issues an error dialog, please have a look in our bug and feature tracking facility first (found at Github)!

Reporting a Bug or requesting a Feature

  • Check if you can find an existing issue, that matches the problem you have.
  • Search by (parts of) the title of the screen, the name of a field on the screen or by some key words that are used on that screen to see if you can find issues relating to the screen that you want to record an issue for. Enter those terms in the text box under ‘Search’ and click ‘Apply Filter’.
  • If the filtering operation returned no issues, or not the one that you found, you can just go ahead and report them.
    • Please specify at least:
      • the Module (i.e. Partner Module, Finance Module,...) that the screen is found in
      • the title of the screen (put it in ‘Summary’ together with some short description of the problem);
      • describe the problem as best as you can, mentioning any error message;
      • if the problem is reproducible it would be a great help if you could provide the steps that lead to the problem every time.