System Settings (Maintain Table Screen)

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The System Settings screen is an example of a relatively simple Maintain Table Screen but it differs from all the others in one important respect. Some of the controls on the screen are dynamically created as they are needed. This means there are some unusual programming features related to this screen but more importantly the control definitions for these dynamic controls are in the database and not in a YAML file.

The purpose of this page is to provide documentation for how to define and use these dynamically created controls. The System Settings screen will be used as an example. The screen looks like this.


The screen consists of a grid which displays filtered rows depending on the ComboBox selection at the top. The group box beneath the grid is all set up in the YAML file. The database table that backs this screen is s_system_defaults which is a non-cached table. The area beneath the group box is where controls are created dynamically depending on the content of the database.