Screen scaffolding: controls: Difference between revisions

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== Control Hierarchy ==
Deprecated: this only applied to the winforms client
'''Root Control''': Usually, the first Pagecontrl (tab), GroupBox (grp), User contrl (uco), or Panel (pnl). Sometimes, especially with inheritance of the forms, this does not work. So you can set the attribute RootControl=true for the control that you want to be the root. (this behaviour is implemented in Ict.Tools.CodeGeneration.TCodeStorage.GetRootControl)
'''Detail''': if you have the word Detail in front of a control name, just after the control prefix, this means that the control belongs to the detail table.
'''grdDetails''' and '''pnlDetails''' are special controls which have special meaning for disabling the detail controls etc
== Layout of Controls ==
* use Dock=Fill, or Dock=Top, or Dock=Bottom
* use Panels (pnl) to group controls
* by default, the controls are arranged vertically (each control below the previous control)
* to have the controls in one row, use ControlsOrientation:horizontal
== Control Types ==
* pnl: Panel
* uco: User defined control; needs attribute Type with the value containing the full namespace for the control, eg:
            Type: Ict.Petra.Client.MPartner.Gui.TUC_PartnerEdit_PersonnelTabSet
* tab: Page Control, consisting of tpg (tabbed pages)
* grp: Groupbox
* chk: Checkbox
* grd: Grid control
** use '''SelectedRowActivates''' to enable a condition when a row is selected
** use event '''ActionFocusRow''' that is called when the selection of the current row changes
** special control with name "grdDetails" is required for the Master/Detail screens
** property '''SortOrder''' defines which column should be sorted. Several columns can be separated by commas; it is necessary to add DESC or ASC; example: <code>SortOrder: ABatch.BatchNumber DESC</code>
* btn: Button
* nud: Numeric Up/Down
** has a second label '''LabelUnit''', which can be optionally set
** use '''PositiveValueActivates''' to enable a condition when a positive value is selected
* txt: normal edit field
** special behaviour for Type=PartnerKey and Type=Extract
* rbt: simple radio button
* rgr: radio button group
** this can contain several other controls in Controls list, which will create radiobuttons with the controls for each item
** or can just contain text in value OptionalValues, which will create radiobuttons for each text
* chk: checkbox
** can have a list of dependent other controls in Controls list
* rng: enter 2 values that define a range
** this is basically a special panel
* cmb: Combobox; usually uses Ict.Common.Controls.TCmbAutoComplete
** attribute '''OptionalValues''' defines the values of the combobox; prepend the default option with equals sign
*** sample: <code>OptionalValues: [=Days, Weeks, Months]</code>
** attribute '''List''': this will load the values from the server (and use a cache as well); it will use cmbAutoPopulatedComboBox instead of TCmbAutoComplete
*** possible values for list: eg. CurrencyCodeList
*** sample: <code>cmbCurrency: {Label=&Currency, DataField=AApSupplier.CurrencyCode, List=CurrencyCodeList}</code>
** attribute '''AutoComplete''': this will store the entered search strings in the user defaults
*** <code>cmbSupplierCode: {Label=S&earch Supplier, AutoComplete=SupplierSearchHistory, Tooltip=Search by supplier name or partner key}</code>
== Data Binding ==
We don't use .Net databinding, but the generator wires the data.
* You can use the attributes '''MasterTable''' and '''DetailTable''' that will try to match each control to the field in the table with the same name (detail fields must be called &lt;prefix&gt;Detail&lt;fieldname&gt;, eg. txtDetailAmount)
* You can specifically bind data with '''DataField''', either with the data table name or just the field name.
** sample: <code>DataField=AApSupplier.CurrencyCode</code>
=== special lookups ===
* '''PartnerShortNameLookup''': this is for printing the partner short name on a screen; usually this is readonly; but you need to specify that with '''ReadOnly=true'''
** sample: <code>txtSupplierName: {Label=Current Supplier, ReadOnly=true, PartnerShortNameLookup=AApDocument.PartnerKey}</code>
=== special behaviour ===
* if you link a boolean database field to a combobox with 2 values, it will match the value (first value is false, second value is true).
** sample: <br/> <code>OptionalValues: [=Invoice, Credit Note]<br/>DataField: CreditNoteFlag</code>
== Events ==
* attribute '''OnChange''' points to a function that is called if the value in the control changes
** sample: <code>dtpDateIssued: {Label=&Date Issued, OnChange=UpdateCreditTerms}</code>
* attribute '''Action''' points to an action that is executed for Click etc
** sample: <code>mniNewSupplier: {Action=actNewSupplier}</code>
* attribute '''ActionClick'''/'''ActionDoubleClick''' points to a function that is called if the control is clicked
** sample: <code>grdSupplierResult: {Dock=Fill, ActionDoubleClick=actSupplierTransactions, SelectedRowActivates=cndSelectedSupplier}</code>
* in a grid: attribute '''SelectedRowActivates''': activate a condition/action, which other actions can depend on
* in a grid: '''ActionFocusRow''' is called when the selection of the current row changes

Latest revision as of 03:48, 22 June 2023

Deprecated: this only applied to the winforms client