SQL Diagram creation

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We wrote this tool a while ago in C/C++ and uploaded it to sourceforge: http://sql2diagram.wiki.sourceforge.net/


  • it reads the SQL tables and attributes from the SQL file with all the CREATE TABLE statements
  • it generates HTML documentation
  • it is able to generate diagrams for the DIA program (http://live.gnome.org/Dia)
  • it generates an HTML map for the diagram png file, and links to it from the HTML documentation

The generation of the HTML documentation works fine.

For the current results, check http://openpetraorg.sourceforge.net/dbdoc; There is a diagram for the Accounts Payable sub system: http://openpetraorg.sourceforge.net/dbdoc/img/img_AccountsPayable.html?a_ap_document


There are some problems with generating the diagrams. On the one hand it allows manual moving of the tables and connections in the dia editor, and the sql2diagram tool should pick up the manual positions and reuse them. But on the other hand, it is quite tedious to move the tables and foreign key constraints all by hand.

Task 1: Use the new Database tools, instead of the ER shapes

Database shapes were only added recently to dia, and might look better than the ER shapes we are using currently.

Issues to consider: how to show which fields are part of a foreign key? At the moment, we print FK at the back of the row that describes the field name and type.

Task 2: Do an automatic layout of the tables and connections


Some discussions and first hints:

So my approach to Task 2 would be to use some good algorithms when arranging the diagram, and make sure the generated diagram has the tables in the best position (most referenced tables in the centre, tables that are most linked to each other closest to each other), and the linking constraints are not crossing any tables, and are still possible to be read.