Base Class with universal logic for 'Shepherd Framework' (design and start of implementation)

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Shepherds Framework Introduction

The Shepherds Framework will be a support in creating individual instances of 'Shepherds' for openPETRA. 'Shepherds' are Installer-like Dialogs with Next-Back-Finish buttons. They have several steps/pages and through that offer a 'guided walk' to the openPETRA user on what key data to enter (or review) for a specific purpose.

Example Screenshots of an existing PETRA (not openPETRA) Shepherd can be found here.

Base Class Purpose


Note: The corresponding Bug (=Feature Request) is Bug #206 (shared with the related Project Base Form for 'Shepherd Framework' (design and start of implementation)).

Desired Outcome


Outline of the Solution

Step 1

Create a new Class in Project 'Ict.Petra.Client.CommonForms.Logic' (found in \csharp\ICT\Petra\Client\CommonForms\logic). Name of the Form Class File: 'PetraShepherdForm.cs' Name of the Form Class: 'TPetraShepherdFormLogic'


To Be Continued in Class...


Approval of Functionality and Program Code