Notes about Git

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Branches for development of OpenPetra

# first make sure we are on the main branch
git checkout master
# create a local branch that is called mynewbranch
git branch mynewbranch
# switch to that branch
git checkout mynewbranch
# create the branch also on the remote repository
git push ssh://..../openpetraorg/openpetraorg/ mynewbranch:refs/heads/mynewbranch
# change config so that future git push will go into correct remote branch
git config branch.mynewbranch.remote ssh://..../openpetraorg/openpetraorg
git config branch.mynewbranch.merge refs/heads/mynewbranch
# push changes in local branch to remote branch
git push

# make your changes in the branch, commit to branch
git commit -a
# push branch to remote branch
git push
# switch to master
git checkout master
# get latest from master
git pull
# merge from branch
git merge mynewbranch
# push to master
git push
# switch to branch again
git checkout mynewbranch
todo: get the changes from HEAD into your local branch 

Branches for adjustments for other organisations

benefit: you can make modifications to the UINavigation and the base data structure etc. and even to the screen en.yml files

I have this setup for one organisation:

  • created on my own server a git repository with an anonymous clone from the sourceforge openpetraorg git repository.
  • cloned my own repository to my workstation
  • on the workstation: create a branch on the repository, switch to the branch, modify a file, commit changes locally, push it not to master, but enter the name of your branch
    • dangerous: after you have created the branch on the server, NEVER switch to the remote branch: commits to that undefined branch will be eventually be lost at the next switch between branches, and you cannot push from that undefined branch. First create a local branch, and then pull from the remote branch into your local branch!
  • on the workstation, on a fresh git pull: git checkout -b branchname origin/BRANCHNAME
  • you can pull on your server from the sf repository, to follow the changes in the main repository, and merge from master into your branch
    • pull from server: do this on the command line on your server, current branch is master, git pull
    • merge from master: on my workstation, pull origin/master, which will automatically merge? otherwise merge from remotes/origin/master; then push to my branch on my server
  • you should create patches of your own development and post them in the OpenPetra forum so that all other users can benefit from your improvements

line feed issues

delete a remote branch

  • if a remote branch is not needed anymore, and everything has merged into master, we don't want to see the branch anymore
git push ssh:// :refs/heads/MYBRANCHTODELETE

selective merge


For development on Windows, we recommend TortoiseGit

Git Bash

  • You need to add each changed file before you commit. Otherwise that file will not be part of the next commit.
  • If you added too many files by accident, and you want to lose them completely: (use this carefully with -f) git rm . -r
    • even better: to unstage: git reset HEAD <file>...
  • undo all local changes: git checkout -f
  • to revert a single file: use git checkout filename (see
  • to ignore eg. *.bak files, create a file .gitignore and add the files; eg see OpenPetra/csharp/.gitignore