Developing the Forms generator
This page is for developers that need to extend or maintain the forms generator.
The forms generator can currently be used for generating winforms from yaml files.
The forms generator is also able to analyse the server and create links to webconnectors or uiconnectors. Controls are also linked to the correct columns in a dataset, using the definition of the tables from petra.xml and the typed dataset definitions.
At some point, we thought we might support parsing changes with the graphical UI Designer for Winforms, and then update the yaml file, but this is too complicated, and there really should not be a need anymore to use the UI Designer, since the editing of the yaml file is so much easier.
Template system
Parsing existing c# code
Parsing the YAML definition
Layout of the form
one generator for each control type
data binding
events / action handling
Existing generators
Winforms generator
Winforms generator for Reports
The only difference are the controls, because they have to save and load the parameters used for the reports.