Implementation of Grid Filter/Find

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Most Recent Filter Button Implementation Information

Analysis run at 17:22 on 03/09/2013.
All the files listed below have at least one of: a Details Grid, a Details Panel or a Buttons Panel

Screens Based on Template: WindowEdit (10 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Has Filter/Find Has Manual RowFilter Comments
MFinance\Gui\Budget\MaintainBudget.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
MFinance\Gui\Common\BankStatementImport.yaml No Yes Yes No No Yes
MFinance\Gui\Setup\GiftMotivationSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MFinance\Gui\Setup\MotivationGroupSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupAnalysisTypes.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Multiple changes to the YAML to incorporate a splitter panel containing two grids
MPartner\Gui\PersonnelStaffData.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No This screen is inaccessible to the Open Petra Menu
MPartner\Gui\Setup\PostcodeRegionSetup.yaml Yes Yes No No No Yes
MSysMan\Gui\MaintainUsers.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Screens Based on Template: WindowTDS (6 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Has Filter/Find Has Manual RowFilter Comments
MFinance\Gui\Setup\GLAccountHierarchy.yaml No Yes No No No Yes
MFinance\Gui\Setup\GLCostCentreHierarchy.yaml No Yes No No No Yes

Screens Based on Template: WindowMaintainTable (10 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Has Filter/Find Has Manual RowFilter Comments
MCommon\Gui\Setup\InternationalPostalTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MConference\Gui\Setup\ChildDiscountSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MConference\Gui\Setup\ConferenceStandardCostSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Has a currency text box that is not implemented (but not required?)
MConference\Gui\Setup\EarlyLateRegistrationSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Still needs filtering by radio button cloning
MFinance\Gui\Setup\CurrencyLanguageSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupCorporateExchangeRate.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Have not completed integration with manual row filter
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupDailyExchangeRate.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Have not completed integration with manual row filter
MPartner\Gui\Setup\MailingSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\ApplicationTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Still needs filtering by radio button cloning
MSysMan\Gui\Setup\SecurityGroupSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Screens Based on Template: WindowMaintainCacheableTable (58 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Has Filter/Find Has Manual RowFilter Comments
MCommon\Gui\Setup\CountrySetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MCommon\Gui\Setup\CurrencySetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MCommon\Gui\Setup\FrequencySetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MCommon\Gui\Setup\LanguageCodeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MCommon\Gui\Setup\LocalDataFieldOrderSetup.yaml Yes No Yes No No No
MCommon\Gui\Setup\LocalDataFieldSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
MConference\Gui\Setup\ConferenceCostTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MFinance\Gui\Setup\EmailDestinationSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupAccountingPeriod.yaml Yes Yes No No No No
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupAdminGrantsPayable.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupAdminGrantsReceivable.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupCostCentreTypes.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupMethodOfGiving.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupMethodOfPayment.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupSuspenseAccount.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Requires manual code to get description column from another location
MPartner\Gui\Setup\AcquisitionCodeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\AddresseeTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\BusinessCodeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\ContactAttributeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Multiple changes to the YAML to incorporate a splitter panel containing two grids
MPartner\Gui\Setup\ContactMethodSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\DenominationCodeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\InterestCategorySetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\InterestSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\LocalDataOptionListNameSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\LocalDataOptionsSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\LocationTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\MaritalStatusSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\OccupationCodeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\PartnerStatusSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\PartnerTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\PostcodeRangeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\PublicationCostSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\PublicationSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\ReasonSubscriptionCancelledSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\ReasonSubscriptionGivenSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\RelationCategorySetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\Setup\RelationshipSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\AbilityAreaSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\AbilityLevelSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\ApplicantStatusSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\ArrivalDeparturePointSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\Country_EventLevelSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\DocumentTypeCategorySetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\DocumentTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\DriverStatusSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\EventRoleSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\JobAssignmentTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\LanguageLevelSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\LeadershipRatingSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\OrganisationContactSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\PassportTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\PositionSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\ProfessionalAreaSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\QualificationLevelSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\SkillCategorySetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\SkillLevelSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\TransportTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MSysMan\Gui\Setup\LanguageSpecificSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Screens Based on Template: WindowEditUIConnector (2 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Has Filter/Find Has Manual RowFilter Comments

Screens Based on Template: WindowEditWebConnectorMasterDetail (1 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Has Filter/Find Has Manual RowFilter Comments
MFinance\Gui\AP\APEditDocument.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

Screens Based on Template: ControlMaintainTable (30 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Has Filter/Find Has Manual RowFilter Comments
MFinance\Gui\Gift\UC_GiftBatches.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
MFinance\Gui\Gift\UC_GiftTransactions.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
MFinance\Gui\Gift\UC_RecurringGiftBatches.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MFinance\Gui\Gift\UC_RecurringGiftTransactions.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
MFinance\Gui\GL\UC_GLAttributes.yaml Yes Yes No No No Yes
MFinance\Gui\GL\UC_GLBatches.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
MFinance\Gui\GL\UC_GLJournals.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
MFinance\Gui\GL\UC_GLTransactions.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
MFinance\Gui\GL\UC_RecurringGLAttributes.yaml Yes Yes No No No Yes
MFinance\Gui\GL\UC_RecurringGLBatches.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
MFinance\Gui\GL\UC_RecurringGLJournals.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
MFinance\Gui\GL\UC_RecurringGLTransactions.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
MFinance\Gui\Setup\UC_AccountAnalysisAttributes.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
MFinance\Gui\Setup\UC_SetupAnalysisValues.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
MPartner\Gui\UC_Applications.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Filter/Find planned for this screen
MPartner\Gui\UC_FinanceDetails.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Filter/Find planned for this screen
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_Abilities.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Filter/Find planned for this screen
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_CommitmentPeriods.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Filter/Find planned for this screen
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_JobAssignments.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Filter/Find planned for this screen
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_Passport.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Filter/Find planned for this screen
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_PersonalDocuments.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Filter/Find planned for this screen
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_PersonalLanguages.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Filter/Find planned for this screen
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_PersonSkills.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Filter/Find planned for this screen
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_PreviousExperience.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Filter/Find planned for this screen
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_ProgressReports.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Filter/Find planned for this screen
MPartner\Gui\UC_PartnerInterests.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Filter/Find planned for this screen
MPartner\Gui\UC_PartnerRelationships.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Filter/Find planned for this screen
MPartner\Gui\UC_Subscriptions.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Filter/Find planned for this screen
MPartner\Gui\Extracts\UC_ExtractMaintain.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MPartner\Gui\Extracts\UC_ExtractMasterList.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

Screens Based on Template: ControlMaintainCacheableTable (1 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Has Filter/Find Has Manual RowFilter Comments
MPartner\Gui\Setup\UC_ContactAttributeDetail.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Screens Based on Template: WindowSingleTable (1 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Has Filter/Find Has Manual RowFilter Comments
MFinance\Gui\Gift\GiftRevertAdjust.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes

Screens Based on Template: WindowBrowsePrint (2 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Has Filter/Find Has Manual RowFilter Comments
MFinance\Gui\Gift\GiftDonorsOfWorkerLetter.yaml Yes No No No No No
MFinance\Gui\Gift\GiftNewDonorLetter.yaml Yes No No No No No

Screens Based on Template: ControlMaintainTableWithDataViewGrid (0 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Has Filter/Find Has Manual RowFilter Comments


 110 screens with grdDetails
 110 screens with pnlDetails
 105 screens with pnlButtons
 103 screens have all the above
 58 screens have Filter/Find
 There are 45 screens that are still potential candidates for Filter/Find

Previous Filter Button Implementation Information

This analysis was run after completion of the horizontal button bar implementation, which was a necessary first step to adding the Filter/Find functionality, since the Filter button itself is part of the button panel.

Analysis run at 12:45 on 27/06/2013.
All the files listed below have at least one of: a Details Grid, a Details Panel or a Buttons Panel

Screens Based on Template: WindowEdit (8 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Comments
MFinance\Gui\Budget\MaintainBudget.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified
MFinance\Gui\Common\BankStatementImport.yaml No Yes Yes No No change
MFinance\Gui\Setup\GiftMotivationSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MFinance\Gui\Setup\MotivationGroupSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupAnalysisTypes.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved (considerably?)
MPartner\Gui\PersonnelStaffData.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MSysMan\Gui\MaintainUsers.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved

Screens Based on Template: WindowTDS (6 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Comments
MFinance\Gui\Setup\GLAccountHierarchy.yaml No Yes No No n/a
MFinance\Gui\Setup\GLCostCentreHierarchy.yaml No Yes No No n/a

Screens Based on Template: WindowMaintainTable (8 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Comments
MCommon\Gui\Setup\InternationalPostalTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MCommon\Gui\Setup\SetupCurrency.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MFinance\Gui\Setup\CurrencyLanguageSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupCorporateExchangeRate.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupDailyExchangeRate.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved, but needs manual code changes
MPartner\Gui\Setup\MailingSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\ApplicationTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MSysMan\Gui\Setup\SecurityGroupSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved

Screens Based on Template: WindowMaintainCacheableTable (56 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Comments
MCommon\Gui\Setup\CountrySetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MCommon\Gui\Setup\FrequencySetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MCommon\Gui\Setup\LanguageCodeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MCommon\Gui\Setup\LocalDataFieldOrderSetup.yaml Yes No Yes No n/a
MCommon\Gui\Setup\LocalDataFieldSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MConference\Gui\Setup\ConferenceCostTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MFinance\Gui\Setup\EmailDestinationSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupAccountingPeriod.yaml Yes Yes No No n/a
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupAdminGrantsPayable.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupAdminGrantsReceivable.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupCostCentreTypes.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupMethodOfGiving.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupMethodOfPayment.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MFinance\Gui\Setup\SetupSuspenseAccount.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\AcquisitionCodeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\AddresseeTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\BusinessCodeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\ContactAttributeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\ContactMethodSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\DenominationCodeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\InterestCategorySetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\InterestSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\LocalDataOptionListNameSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\LocalDataOptionsSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\LocationTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\MaritalStatusSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\OccupationCodeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\PartnerStatusSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\PartnerTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\PublicationCostSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\PublicationSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\ReasonSubscriptionCancelledSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\ReasonSubscriptionGivenSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\RelationCategorySetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPartner\Gui\Setup\RelationshipSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\AbilityAreaSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\AbilityLevelSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\ApplicantStatusSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\ArrivalDeparturePointSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\Country_EventLevelSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\DocumentTypeCategorySetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\DocumentTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\DriverStatusSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\EventRoleSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved (considerably?)
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\JobAssignmentTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\LanguageLevelSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\LeadershipRatingSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\OrganisationContactSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\PassportTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\PositionSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\ProfessionalAreaSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\QualificationLevelSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\SkillCategorySetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\SkillLevelSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MPersonnel\Gui\Setup\TransportTypeSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved
MSysMan\Gui\Setup\LanguageSpecificSetup.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved

Screens Based on Template: WindowEditUIConnector (2 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Comments

Screens Based on Template: WindowEditWebConnectorMasterDetail (1 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Comments
MFinance\Gui\AP\APEditDocument.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified and layout checked/improved

Screens Based on Template: ControlMaintainTable (29 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Comments
MFinance\Gui\Gift\UC_GiftBatches.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MFinance\Gui\Gift\UC_GiftTransactions.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MFinance\Gui\Gift\UC_RecurringGiftBatches.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MFinance\Gui\Gift\UC_RecurringGiftTransactions.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MFinance\Gui\GL\UC_GLAttributes.yaml Yes Yes No No n/a
MFinance\Gui\GL\UC_GLBatches.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MFinance\Gui\GL\UC_GLJournals.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MFinance\Gui\GL\UC_GLTransactions.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MFinance\Gui\GL\UC_RecurringGLAttributes.yaml Yes Yes No No n/a
MFinance\Gui\GL\UC_RecurringGLBatches.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MFinance\Gui\GL\UC_RecurringGLJournals.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MFinance\Gui\GL\UC_RecurringGLTransactions.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MFinance\Gui\Setup\UC_AccountAnalysisAttributes.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MFinance\Gui\Setup\UC_SetupAnalysisValues.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MPartner\Gui\UC_Applications.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MPartner\Gui\UC_FinanceDetails.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_Abilities.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_CommitmentPeriods.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_JobAssignments.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_Passport.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_PersonalDocuments.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_PersonalLanguages.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_PersonSkills.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_PreviousExperience.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MPartner\Gui\UC_IndividualData_ProgressReports.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MPartner\Gui\UC_PartnerRelationships.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MPartner\Gui\UC_Subscriptions.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MPartner\Gui\Extracts\UC_ExtractMaintain.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes
MPartner\Gui\Extracts\UC_ExtractMasterList.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes

Screens Based on Template: ControlMaintainCacheableTable (1 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Comments
MPartner\Gui\Setup\UC_ContactAttributeDetail.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes Modified without layout changes

Screens Based on Template: WindowSingleTable (1 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Comments
MFinance\Gui\Gift\GiftRevertAdjust.yaml Yes Yes Yes Yes n/a This screen has OK/Cancel

Screens Based on Template: WindowBrowsePrint (2 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Comments
MFinance\Gui\Gift\GiftDonorsOfWorkerLetter.yaml Yes No No No n/a
MFinance\Gui\Gift\GiftNewDonorLetter.yaml Yes No No No n/a

Screens Based on Template: ControlMaintainTableWithDataViewGrid (0 files use this template).

The table listings consist of only those files that have a grid, a details panel and a buttons panel.

Filename Has Grid Has Details Has Buttons Has All Comments


 104 screens with grdDetails
 104 screens with pnlDetails
 100 screens with pnlButtons
 98 screens have all the above